Account & Admin Assistant
Jakarta Utara (Jakarta Raya) – Kelapa Gading
- To handle book-keeping and accounting tasks.
- Submission PPN, PPH, etc.
- To issue sales invoices
- To handling all admin issues.
- To provides administrative support to the manager.
- Other jobs as assigned by superior from time to time.
- Candidate must possess at least a Professional Certificate.
- At least 2 years of working experience for above mentioned
- Good book keeping knowledge & skills. Good accounting knowledge is an added value.
- Computer Literate (Microsoft Word, Excel, Internet Research, & E-mail).
- Able to work independently with minimum supervision.
- Responsible. Result-Oriented. Good Time Management Skills.
- Good command in both written & verbal communication skills in English.
We offer an attractive remuneration and staff benefits (Transportation, Accommodation, Overseas/Local Annual Trip & Training, Group PA, Attendance Rewards, 2 off Saturdays, minimum 3 months Bonus etc) to the right casino titan online in us paper writer candidate. Interested candidates are invited to apply online or email your comprehensive resume stating your qualification, experience, recent photograph, current and expected salary to us.
O estadão deixou de dar suporte ao internet explorer 1 ou anterior. Nos homens, o estresse causa problemas de impotência, dificuldades de ejaculação e alterações na qualidade dos espermatozóides”, explica o médico. A atividade física, além de atuar de forma benéfica nos fatores de risco que Outras vias de administração levam à disfunção erétil, também pode atuar diretamente neste problema.
Interview invitations and status updates may be sent via email so please check your email regularly.